Would you buy paper from me?
After class today, I ended up stopping by Forever 21 to pick up a more appropriate outfit. I purchased a very sophisticated shirt, pencil skirt and heels that definitely do not look like funeral attire. I will be the hottest paper saleswoman this city has ever seen. Between shopping and feeling guilty over spending money no matter how much I actually needed to, I picked up some more job applications in hopes of getting hired somewhere that doesn't require me to look like Morticia Adams. Job hunting is tiresome, people. I was so worn out by the time I got home, I didn't want to lift a finger. But as usual, I ended up doing something anyway. Me and Kim were supposed to go to a house warming party tonight, but since she is leaving for home tomorrow at the crack of dawn and I have my first official day of paper selling, we both decided to not go. Of course, the feedback on our choice was not so pleasing, but we didn't particularly care. After some very frustating texts, we decided that the only thing that would make life better tonight was to purchase some cupcakes. We weren't sure where to go, so originally we decided to walk up and down Polk with no real destination in mind. Then Kim discovered that Citizen Cupcake is on the third floor of the Virgin Megastore in Union Square. Seriously, this was by far the best discovery of my life up to this point. We figured it wasn't too far of a walk(even though it was), bundled up and set off on our journey. I picked up yet another job application on the way and after about 60 years we finally made it to the cafe. We prayed it would be worth it....and oh my God, was it ever worth it. The cupcakes looked small at first, and the selection wasn't very large, but it was also about 8:30pm. Not exactly cucpcake rush hour if you ask me. I decided on a simple chocolate cupcake while Kim got both a chocolate and vanilla bean cake.
At this point, we both broke out our cameras and started taking photographs of the lovely creations infront of us. People probably thought we were foreign, but we didn't care much.
And then the moment of truth came upon us: WE CHOWED DOWN ON THOSE SUCKAS!
Ok, seriously though, out of all the cupcakes I've ever tasted in my life, these were definitely among the best. Even despite their small size, they're going to be pretty hard to beat in the taste department. Before I ate my own cupcake, Kim let my sample some of her Vanilla Bean frosting. It was like french vanilla ice cream, but in frosting form. You could even see the flecks of the vanilla bean in it. It was sweet without being overly sweet, so basically it actually tasted like frosting and not just sugar in the form of icing. She let my taste a smidgen of the cake as well...my, my, my....it was glorious. But finally, the time had come for me to consume my own chocolatey piece of heaven infront of me. The icing was so incredibly decadent without being heavy, which I honestly didn't think was possible. Usually chocolate pastries are very rich and heavy on one's stomach, but this was different. It was enough chocolate to satisfy anyone's craving, yet it wasn't too rich, sweet or heavy. It was like semi melted chocolate, in a sense. The cake was INCREDIBLE! I mean, seriously, I thought my head was going to explode due to the overload of amazingness. It was dry without being greasy and crumbley without being messy. I tried to savor it, but ended up scarfing it down, which is fine too. Isn't that how you're supposed to eat a cupcake? My small cup of black coffee also went perfectly with my little dessert.
I was a bit envious of Kim's cupcake duo, so i decided to buy something else. I ended up buying something called a S'Moon Pie. It was kind of an accident. You see, from far away, they looked like cupcakes, so that was my original reason for buying them. But upon reaching the counter, I realized they were something else....what exactly, I'm not quite sure. But being that we were on a culinary adventure, I decided to buy one anyway. I think it was supposed to be the love child of a s'more and a Moonpie, but it really just looked like a pretty version of swirled dog poop.
I ate it anyway.
Despite it's poop-esque look, it was really good. Like the cupcakes, it had enough chocolatey sweet flavor without being too much. It gave me a deeper appreciation for the lightness of marsmallow fluff....or is it puff? I don't know, but either way, it was good and I scarfed it down in about two bites. But the best part was yet to come, my friends. Oh yes, it gets even better. Kim and I were simply minding our own business, sitting quitely in our cupcake comas when the girl behind the counter approached us with what looked like to old school "sack-lunch" brown bags. We must have looked at her like she was some sort of space alien, because she then explained that they throw out the cupcakes at the end of the day unless there's people around to give them to. We happened to be there, so we also happened to get two free cupcakes. I'm honestly surprised me and Kim didn't crap ourselves right then and there with immense joy. I'm glad to say we were able to keep ourselves together and our bowel movements under control. We grabbed our goodies bags and left the scene of our cupcake destruction behind.
We strolled down Market street towards one of our school's buildings to catch a shuttle home. It was definitely too cold to walk all the way home and neither of us felt like spending the money for a MUNI bus ride. As always, the Academy shuttle never showed up, but one of the other drivers was kind enough to go off route and take us back to our dorm. We had a nice conversation with him on the way and I've decided to make him a thank you card to give him next time I see him. He was the most personable shuttle driver I've met at the school, which was a nice surprise. Most of the driver's act as if they just snorted curdled milk and give you nothing but sour attitude.
Before we caught the shuttle, I took some photographs of the city. Enjoy:
Once at home, I told myself I was going to save the cupcakes for another day. Now, I didn't eat them, but I couldn't resist opening the little box they came in just to have a peek at their deliciousness. I was given one vanilla bean cupcake and a chocolate one, but it wasn't the same chocolate one I had earlier in the night. This one didn't have a lump of frosting on it, but instead had what I think is called a chocolate "glaze." There was white "glaze" on top of it that spelled out "Citizen." Both cakes smelled divine, but I showed some restraint and only took photos of the sinful treats. It wasn't easy to just look at them because they smelled soooo good! But alas, I knew eating 4 cupcakes in one night right before bed would not be a good idea for my stomach(which was already in knots due to the fact that I was to start work the next day.), so ultimately I decided to just go to bed.
Before literally climbing into my top bunk, I thought of something funny to do. Last semester, there were some girls, who shall remain nameless, who were very serious about EVERYTHING and very into themselves. One night they put their leftovers in our communial fridge and wrote "EAT THIS AND DIE" on the top of the box. Shortly after that(and some other unfortunate events)they became a big joke and the rest of girls in the dorm ultimately laughed them out of the house. Anyway, I ended up putting an obscene amount of tape on the lid of my box, then even more tape to seal the paper bag and then proceeded to scribble, " Touch these AND DIE" on the outside of the bag. I thought it was funny, and really, that's all that matters to me.
Honestly, I had a better way of ending this blog, but it's so late and I'm incredibly tired. Instead of leaving you with a witty comment, I'll let you make one up on your own. I swear, my next blog will be better.
Well, depending on how much sleep I get.
Wow, what a night of cupcake debauchery! Wish I had been there to "help" save your bowels from overload.
those are some epic cupcakes. like wow. i'm jealous.
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