Monday, February 25, 2008

Tully's Coffee owns my soul.

So, I know it has been quite awhile since I've last written. Life has taken over...well, my life. As you all know, I was working as a stationary slave for Papyrus for an insulring 4 hours a week and absolutely hating it. Well, I have good news my friends: I quit Papyrus and I now work at Tully's Coffee.
It's basically my dream job. I am surrounded by coffee at all times of the day. It's perfect, it's heaven, it's an excuse to further worsen my caffiene problem. I swear people, I'm going to be so cracked out, ALL OF THE TIME. Because if you really think about it, coffee is really just liquid crack cocaine. That's what I do: I sell you liquid crack cocaine.

Besides my now heavily supported coffee addiction, other things have been occurring in my life. Last week, me and Kim decided to get extremely dressed up and treat ourselves to dinner. I like to call it our "Dyke Date." Now, the reason I call it that is not because we're lesbians, nor is it because I think being a lesbian is funny or anything else besides...well, just being a lesbian. I call it that because last semester I was informed that I had a "dyke haircut" and ever since then, I have been the resident "dyke" in the dorm. It's one big immature joke that I find incredibly hilarious. So anyway, me and Kim got ourselves all dolled up(yet somehow I still managed to wear jeans...)and went strolling down Union St in the Marina/Cow Hollow district in search of food. Neither of us were quite sure what we felt like ingesting, so we were pretty much just walking around blind. I was also walking around looking for possible job openings. Finally I decided I wanted Italian food, mainly because I hadn't had it in so long. Also, the fact that nearly every restaurant on Union St is Italian probably factored in. We popped by Ambiance to visit Katherine at work for a few mintues and to grab her opinion on a good place to eat. She gave us the least expensive option and the most expensive option. Of course, me and Kim chose the restaurant that costs you an arm and a leg and the soul of your first born child.

Luisa's could technically be considered a "whole-in-the-wall" type of place because the entrance is so hidden and so far back in the dark side alley, that you'd swear they don't want you to actually come in and eat. Once we finally found out how to get inside, we took a quick peek at the menu and waited to be seated. Luis'as is definitely a high class restaurant. Once seated, me and Kim realized we were the only ones there that were A)Not on some form of real date and B)Under 25. The menu was completely in Italian, so we weren't exactly sure what much of the food actually was. We both settled on the standard Chicken Parmigiana because that was the only thing on the damn menu that looked remotely familiar. We were offered wine, but the sudden lack of I.D. checking threw us off and we both declined. It's probably for the best. I don't think the diner's of Luisa's would have appreciated me and Kim knocking back wine and screaming like banshees in our ghetto fashion. Anyway, the service was pretty good, not as fast as I would have liked, but they were pretty busy. The portions were large, I mean, VERY LARGE. But since the food is more expensive, I guess it kind of evens out. Unfortunately, the restaurant doesn't allow photography, so this was the only shot I was able to get:

Doesn't it look delicious?!??!

Trust, me the food was better than the picture might make you think. It was possibly some of the most tender chicken I had ever had in my life. I didn't even need my knife to cut it. I had only had Chicken Parmigiana once before, but I don't think it really counts because it was a sandwich from Subway that was probably just chicken nuggets with some ketchup shoved between two bread slices. So in reality, this was probably the first time I had actually tried this dish. I have to say, I was very impressed, even though I had nothing else to compare it to. Kim apparently gets this meal no matter what Italian restaurant she goes to and she more than approved of it. I think it's safe to say, the Chicken Parmigiana from Luisa's is a smash hit. It also helped that they served it with pieces of broccoli that were about the size of a small mastiff. While we were eating, a woman who I am assuming was Luisa herself, came over to our table and spoke in broken English about what we were eating. To be honest, the only thing I understood was, "Chicken(jibberish jibberish)ok!? HAHAHHAHAHA!" Being the polite and refined women that we are(not), me and Kim just laughed along with her and smiled as big as we could. Just before leaving our table, she stroked my hair a few times, called it beautiful and then continued to laugh as she hobbled on her geriatric Italian way. So if you want great authentic Italian food and a chance to be molested by the owner, go to Luisa's on Union and Laguna St.

We didn't eat outside, but since photography wasn't allowed in the building itself, I thought I'd take a shot of the tables outside to give you an idea of what the place is like. After dinner, me and Kim skipped home(yes, we did actually skip at one point)and then proceeded to wacth a movie while simultaneously bitching and moaning about life and all the things that come along with it. All in all, it was a great night.

Besides, that, not much has been going. I've been swamped with school, errands and my new job at Tully's. It also doesn't help that the weather has been beyond crappy lately. This past weekend, the wind was so bad it nearly knocked out our room windows. There were reports of the Bay and Golden Gate bridges being closed off as well. Fortunately, the weather is now calmer and the sun has actually come out for a bit. But of course, now that it is beautiful outside, I will be stuck inside all day either in class or at work. At least the Tully's I work at has giant windows for me to stare longingly out of.

This past Saturday I made a trip out to my friend Farrah's place. Well, it really wasn't a trip because she only lives about 6 blocks away from me. But walking in the wind and rain at 10pm makes it feel like a serious trek. The point of the night was to get everyone together since we've all been so busy lately and have't had time to see each other. It had originally been presented to us as giant party filled with the crazy antics of poor and strung out college kids. It ended up being my, Farrah and Brendan sucking down an obscenely large bottle of wine while watching retarded YouTube videos. Basically, it was a great night. The one thing that wasn't great was that I got home close to 1am and had to be at work in 7 hours. Hey, at least I work at a place where I get all the free coffee I want. And work wasn't all that bad...minus the fact that the wind nearly blew me over on the way there, we were swamped despite the crappy weather, I had hot water and espresso grinds spilt on me twice and the cash register is so old school, I might as well be carving their orders into a slab of stone with a giant pick. But yeah, other than that, work was fine.

After work, the sun actually came out, so I asked Kim if she wouldn't mind grabbing some lunch. The original plan was to get sushi, but apparently sushi isn't big on Sundays. We did some walking around and finally decided to just head over to Crepevine since nothing else seemed appealing. Crepevine is a nice place for lunch when you don't feel like getting dressed up, or even looking presentable. It's big and loud and crazy and it's the time where you don't mind being ignored by the servers. The seating is cozy(and by that I mean, you're very close to the strangers eating next to you.)and the vibe is hectic. Normally I don't like chaos around meals, but for some reason, the craziness of Crepevine really settles me down. They have a huge menu and serve a variety of meals throughout the whole day. Unfortunately, I was a bad blogger and had forgotten my camera at home. But basically this is what our table looked like when our food was brought to us:

Kim purchased a serving of buttermilk pancakes and a sweet crepe with strawberries and chocolate(with ice cream on the side)while I stuck with the more conventional grilled eggplant sandwich. All the food was scarfed down in record timing due to the fact that both of us were extremely hungry and Crepevine seriously makes damn good food. Only downside: a waiter nearly spilled milk on me, but since I was already covered in coffee, burns from hot water and random pastry flakes, I honestly don't think I would have cared. After lunch, me and Kim rolled our overstuffed bellies home and both took much needed naps. I ended up dreaming about making coffee at work. I can tell that my coffee addiction is already getting worse.

I love it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

football shaped cake, a tourist moment and some damn good Indian food.

It's been awhile since I've last posted on here. (Un)fortunately, I've been busy as hell running around with school, errands that are essential to life, my new job and apartment hunting. I honestly feel like today is the first day I've actually sat down since I've been back in the city. And of course the only reason I am sitting down is because I'm skipping class. I'm such an AWESOME STUDENT! I know it's only the second week, but you have no right to judge me, Judgey McJudgerson. I'm skipping class for a good reason: I had an interview with Peet's Coffee today. Oh, and Improv for the Actor is lame.

So, I bet you're all wondering how my new job is going. I hate it.
Moving on.

My second day of work just so happened to be last Sunday, which also just so happened to be the Superbowl in which my NY Giants were playing the NE Patriots. I was pretty devastated that I was going to be working during the big game, but fortunately my shift was only from 12-4pm. So ultimately I only missed the first quarter. As soon as I had clocked out, I ran my poor, tiny blistered feet up 4 blocks to my dorm, threw my bag down and planted my butt on the couch infront of the tv. Luckily, my friend Andrea had reserved the room for the game and I was pleased to see that we weren't the only girls in there. But then I soon realized we were the only girls who were actually into football. I think it's safe to say all of the new girls in our house hate me with the fire of 1,000 suns now. I tried to warn them how seriously I take football, but I guess it just didn't get through to their brains(the thought of football was probably blocked out by mind numbing thoughts of textiles and fabrics). The rest of the afternoon was filled my me screaming profanities every 5 seconds at the screen and then nearly having a heart attack when anything happened.


After about 15 minutes of me running around the house screaming at foaming at the mouth due to extreme joy, we decided that the perfect way to celebrate was to buy a giant cake. Katherine, Andrea, Christina and myself trekked down to Cala Foods and purchased a chocolate cake in the shape of a football. Unfortunately the colors weren't right for the NY Giants(It was more of a Philly Eagles cake....ew.), so we also bought some bright sprinkles and blue icing. The cake wasn't as big as we had hoped for, so we decided to just run upstairs to my room and keep the deliciousness away from everybody else. Hey, they were all Patriot fans anyway. As if things hadn't been crazy enough, I was put in charge of decorating the cake with the killer blue icing. The icing was basically sugar dipped in sugar and the dyed blue. Naturally, it tasted AMAZING. Unfortunately, none of us are pastry decoraters or posses the correct tools to even pretend to be one, so we cut off the top of the tube and I molded "NY" with my fingers onto the cake.



Since I was the resident hardcore Giants fan, I got the honor of the first bite, which didn't include any utensils. So, maybe I got a little overzealous about celebrating the game? What of it?There aren't many words to describe what happened next. All I can really say is that I don't think any of us had ever had so much sugar in our lives. For being such a small cake and not actually looking all that appetizing, it was insanely delicious. The cake was basically set up like this: 6 million inches of frosting, three inches of moist dark chocolate cake, 6 million more inches of chocolate cream, a slab of cake batter, then some more diabetes inducing frosting. Everyone kept saying they couldn't possibly handle anymore, but of course we kept eating. I eventually stopped because I knew that if I ate too much, my eating disordered thoughts would flare up even more in the morning, but I have to admit, I was sad that I missed out on more of the chocolatey goodness. When the sugar high was at it it's peak, Katherine came up with the brillian idea of turning the destroyed football cake into a "Vagina Cake." Being that we were fueled by sugar and large amounts of immaturity, we all dug our hands into the once beautiful cake and turned it into a crude looking vagina. I will spare you the pictures. They are all quite disturbing.

We ended up sending the mutilated cake downstairs to the other girls once we had laughed enough at it. The rest of the night was spent in our room acting like 4 year olds and then suddenly crashing into bed as the sugar left our bloodstreams. If there is such as thing as a "sugar hangover" that is definitely what me and Katherine had the following morning. I wonder if what we did could be considered substance abuse? Or possibly cake abuse? Sugar abuse? Maybe that's something to look into...

The following Tuesday, I was out and about running so many different errands that I thought my feet might fall off. Or possibly detach themselves from my body in protest. Either way, I was extremely tired and frustrated. But alas, the day was saved by Kimberly and her mother Brenda. Brenda was in the city for her 50th birthday and since she was leaving later that afternoon, she had decided to take Kim grocery shopping. She also offered to take me and Katherine as well since we rarely have the opportunity to use a car to haul our bags back home. Of course we jumped at the offer and showered Brenda with love and affection. And by that I mean we cried tears of joy and thanked her for helping our broke college asses out. Before we went to Safeway, we stopped at Ghirardelli Square to further our Perfect Cupcake Quest. Normally, I'm not a fan of hitting the tourist spots in San Francisco, but obviously I wasn't in charge of the care, so I didn't have a choice. Cupcakes were involved as well, so I also didn't give a crap.

Look Ma! I'm a tourist!

After we had all been satisfied with our touristy snapshots, we headed into a place called Kara's Kupcakes. The interior was really cute and inviting. Unfortunately, the girl behind the counter wasn't as cute and/or inviting. She didn't pay us much attention, even when we were placing our order. But it didn't matter that much, because behind the glass case, staring right back at me with tiny eyes of adorable deliciousness, were cupcakes that looked as if they were made by God's angels themselves. It was as if God had grouped together His most heart-melting, puppy dog eye-having angels and said, "Get thee to earth and bring forth the mortals your most delicious of delicious cupcakes thou hath ever seen!" Yes, I think God talks like that. Especially about cupcakes.

Unfortunately, my brain was so overstimulated by the confections infront of me, that I don't really remember their flavors. The ones I do remember were: Ghirardelli Chocolate, Java, Raspberry Chocolate, Kara's Karrot, Lemon Vanilla, Vanilla Buttercream, Coconut, Orange something or other and Banana. Kim's mom bought 12, which turned out to be almost every flavor except for banana. I personally can't have banana anything, because I am allergice to those horrid fruits. But I don't think banana flavored cupcakes are big hit anywhere. I was thankful enough when Brenda offered to buy us each one, but when she pulled out the big guns and went ahead and bought a dozen, I nearly fell to my knees and kissed her feet. The only reason I refrained from doing so was because we were in public and also because I didn't think Brenda would like a strange art student kissing her feet. Anyway, after we took some more touristy photos, we went and got our groceries and went on with the rest of our days. Which means we slacked off on homework and watched Sex and the City.

I have yet to sample one of the cupcakes Brenda bought for us. I sadly have not been in the mood for cupcakes this week. I think it is partly the stress of running around with work and school and also that food is somewhat overwhelming at this point. And also, after the football cake incident, anytime I even think about ingesting sugar, my body tenses up and starts to violently convulse. So I'm thinking, laying off the cupcakes for at least a week is probably a good idea.

Thursday night was by far the best night I've had all week. Katherine and Ruth decided that my weekly restaurant outing should be a "catch-up dinner" for the three of us. We were all in need of some down time with good food and good friends. Originally we had planned on going to some cafe, but Katherine was in the mood for something "exotic" as she put it. I suggested Indian food, which Ruth had never had before, and Katherine felt it was "exotic" enough for her standards, so we ended up at a place called Rotee. None of us had been their before, so it felt like an adventure of sorts. But really, any outing with Katherine is an adventure. You never know what that girl is going to do. Anyway, after waiting for the bus for what seemed like 4 hours, we finally made it to our destination. Rotee is hidden along Haight Street and if you're not familiar with the area, you probably won't find it. It's not close to the famouse Haight/Ashbury area, so you actually have to look for it. It's a really cute place. It's definitely not a hole-in-the-wall type of place, but it's not upscale either. I think trendy would be the best word to describe it. The walls are a nice warm orange color and are covered with cheesy Bollywood posters. It's not a very large place, but you don't feel cramped in it either. Also, it isn't fancy, which I think made all three of us feel a bit better.

You get to pick where you sit, we we decided on a spot near the windows facing the street. It wasn't busy, so the service was quick and equally as delightful as the place itself. Before anything was ordered, we both informed Ruth that naan was a must, that you simply can not have Indian food without ingesting an obscene amount of the carbalicious delicacy that is: NAAN. Ruth looked terrified and confused, so I explained that it's basically like the Indian version of tortillas. Except, the dough is injected with heroin, so after eating just one nibble of naan, you can't stop eating it. Ever. Seriously. Sometimes I'll be walking to class or on an errand and I start itchin' for it, like some sort of crack addict. Anyone who has ever eaten naan will understand what I'm talking about. Anyway, Katherine ordered the Curry Grant(chicken in a mild curry sauce that possibly contained cinnamon), Ruth ordered Aloo Gosht(chicken and spicy potatoes in cinnamon curry sauce) and I ordered Chicken Jal"frenzy"(chicken with sauteed onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and a clove curry sauce.). And of course we all got naan. Mmm...Naan...oh naan, why must you be so addicting?

Oh, Katherine also ordered a glass of wine because she is a lush.

The food was served and it was time to dive into the culinary beauty that is Indian cuisine. Of course we dove straight into the naan first and Ruth's glazed over with the familiar look of someone who has just had naan injected into their bloodstream for the first time. I was surpsied she didn't start foaming at the mouth; I'm suprised none of us started foaming at the mouth. Now, usually the best place to go for Indian food are the places that look like you might get stabbed while eating there. But for being a trendy place, this was by far the BEST INDIAN FOOD TO EVER GRACE MY TASTEBUDS AND BE INGESTED BY MY STOMACH AND ALL OF IT'S ACIDS. That's really the only way I can think of to accurately describe the food. The portion sizes were perfect for the price and also for people who don't want thier stomach's to violently explode in the middle of dinning. And unlike most Indian food I've had, it wasn't heavy or overly greasy, which was a huge plus in my opinion. I think the best part of all of our meals(besides the crack cocaine flavored naan)was the way tenderness of the cooked meat. Seriously, the chicken melted in my mouth the second it hit my tongue. It was so soft and warm and tasty and spicy and and and and.....I suddenly have a craving for NAAN FLAVORED ANYTHING! Or just naan itself would suffice. Anyway, dinner was lovely and we all agreed that Rotee was worthy of 5 stars and that would probably become regulars. The best part was that we ate enough with walking away over stuffed or doubled over in pain. Yay for restaurants with reasonable portions!

Katherine enjoys naan.

Poetic Sophistication.

On the way back to the bus stop, we came across a tree...thing...I honestly don't know what it was, but there was definitely a tree part somewhere on it. It had a platform jutting out from one side with something scribbled on it and a bunch of random things sticking out from it's side. Katherine read what was carved on the platform, but I was partly still thinking about naan and trying to figure out what was going on infront of me, so I don't know what any of it said. There was a carving of a buffalo on one side and another carving of a bear on the other side. I tried to get a clear shot of the buffalo, but Katherine thought it would be better if I got a shot of her making a rediculously hilarious face.

I live with this.

Eventually we made it home and attempted to do homework. I think Katherine actually got some done, while I spent most of time looking for apartments. San Francisco makes it really hard to find something affordable. I mean, I'm past trying to find something nice and affordable. I just want a place that doesn't break my bank account within the first two weeks of living there. But places like that don't actually exsist in San Francisco.

I wonder how my parents would feel about having a homeless daughter...


It is now 10:30pm. At approximately 8:30pm I ingested wo of Kara's Kupcakes; a java one and double chocolate one. They were far better than Citizen Cupcake which I honestly did not think was possible. My stomach and my brain are in a sugar overload right now and at any second I will be sent into a sugar seizure....but in the best way possible. If you live in the bay area, or even if you don't, you MUST buy one of these cupcakes.

That is all.

Friday, February 1, 2008

I have joined the world of the employed.

I have a job. Now, now, kids, don't get too excited. The most I will be working is 8 hours a week.

If I'm lucky.
Yeah. You read that right. It's almost insulting, but the truth is, I need the job and the little bit of cash it offers. I am still in the works of finding another job, but for right now, this will have to do. Hey, money is money, people. Even if it's not the place I really want to work at, it's better than not having a job at all. The place is called Papyrus and it's a somewhat expensive stationary shop. Yeah, I sell paper. The reason I applied there was because it looked cute and kinda isn' all. There's a dress code I have to follow: wear either black, white or grey, no jeans, only professional attire. YIKES. I don't have anything that fits that criteria, so I originally was going to borrow a dress from Katherine. After putting it on, I came to the conclusion that I looked like I was going to a funeral instead of selling birthday cards and journals.

Would you buy paper from me?

After class today, I ended up stopping by Forever 21 to pick up a more appropriate outfit. I purchased a very sophisticated shirt, pencil skirt and heels that definitely do not look like funeral attire. I will be the hottest paper saleswoman this city has ever seen. Between shopping and feeling guilty over spending money no matter how much I actually needed to, I picked up some more job applications in hopes of getting hired somewhere that doesn't require me to look like Morticia Adams. Job hunting is tiresome, people. I was so worn out by the time I got home, I didn't want to lift a finger. But as usual, I ended up doing something anyway. Me and Kim were supposed to go to a house warming party tonight, but since she is leaving for home tomorrow at the crack of dawn and I have my first official day of paper selling, we both decided to not go. Of course, the feedback on our choice was not so pleasing, but we didn't particularly care. After some very frustating texts, we decided that the only thing that would make life better tonight was to purchase some cupcakes. We weren't sure where to go, so originally we decided to walk up and down Polk with no real destination in mind. Then Kim discovered that Citizen Cupcake is on the third floor of the Virgin Megastore in Union Square. Seriously, this was by far the best discovery of my life up to this point. We figured it wasn't too far of a walk(even though it was), bundled up and set off on our journey. I picked up yet another job application on the way and after about 60 years we finally made it to the cafe. We prayed it would be worth it....and oh my God, was it ever worth it. The cupcakes looked small at first, and the selection wasn't very large, but it was also about 8:30pm. Not exactly cucpcake rush hour if you ask me. I decided on a simple chocolate cupcake while Kim got both a chocolate and vanilla bean cake. At this point, we both broke out our cameras and started taking photographs of the lovely creations infront of us. People probably thought we were foreign, but we didn't care much.

And then the moment of truth came upon us: WE CHOWED DOWN ON THOSE SUCKAS!

Ok, seriously though, out of all the cupcakes I've ever tasted in my life, these were definitely among the best. Even despite their small size, they're going to be pretty hard to beat in the taste department. Before I ate my own cupcake, Kim let my sample some of her Vanilla Bean frosting. It was like french vanilla ice cream, but in frosting form. You could even see the flecks of the vanilla bean in it. It was sweet without being overly sweet, so basically it actually tasted like frosting and not just sugar in the form of icing. She let my taste a smidgen of the cake as, my, was glorious. But finally, the time had come for me to consume my own chocolatey piece of heaven infront of me. The icing was so incredibly decadent without being heavy, which I honestly didn't think was possible. Usually chocolate pastries are very rich and heavy on one's stomach, but this was different. It was enough chocolate to satisfy anyone's craving, yet it wasn't too rich, sweet or heavy. It was like semi melted chocolate, in a sense. The cake was INCREDIBLE! I mean, seriously, I thought my head was going to explode due to the overload of amazingness. It was dry without being greasy and crumbley without being messy. I tried to savor it, but ended up scarfing it down, which is fine too. Isn't that how you're supposed to eat a cupcake? My small cup of black coffee also went perfectly with my little dessert.

I was a bit envious of Kim's cupcake duo, so i decided to buy something else. I ended up buying something called a S'Moon Pie. It was kind of an accident. You see, from far away, they looked like cupcakes, so that was my original reason for buying them. But upon reaching the counter, I realized they were something else....what exactly, I'm not quite sure. But being that we were on a culinary adventure, I decided to buy one anyway. I think it was supposed to be the love child of a s'more and a Moonpie, but it really just looked like a pretty version of swirled dog poop.

I ate it anyway.

Despite it's poop-esque look, it was really good. Like the cupcakes, it had enough chocolatey sweet flavor without being too much. It gave me a deeper appreciation for the lightness of marsmallow fluff....or is it puff? I don't know, but either way, it was good and I scarfed it down in about two bites. But the best part was yet to come, my friends. Oh yes, it gets even better. Kim and I were simply minding our own business, sitting quitely in our cupcake comas when the girl behind the counter approached us with what looked like to old school "sack-lunch" brown bags. We must have looked at her like she was some sort of space alien, because she then explained that they throw out the cupcakes at the end of the day unless there's people around to give them to. We happened to be there, so we also happened to get two free cupcakes. I'm honestly surprised me and Kim didn't crap ourselves right then and there with immense joy. I'm glad to say we were able to keep ourselves together and our bowel movements under control. We grabbed our goodies bags and left the scene of our cupcake destruction behind.

We strolled down Market street towards one of our school's buildings to catch a shuttle home. It was definitely too cold to walk all the way home and neither of us felt like spending the money for a MUNI bus ride. As always, the Academy shuttle never showed up, but one of the other drivers was kind enough to go off route and take us back to our dorm. We had a nice conversation with him on the way and I've decided to make him a thank you card to give him next time I see him. He was the most personable shuttle driver I've met at the school, which was a nice surprise. Most of the driver's act as if they just snorted curdled milk and give you nothing but sour attitude.

Before we caught the shuttle, I took some photographs of the city. Enjoy:


Once at home, I told myself I was going to save the cupcakes for another day. Now, I didn't eat them, but I couldn't resist opening the little box they came in just to have a peek at their deliciousness. I was given one vanilla bean cupcake and a chocolate one, but it wasn't the same chocolate one I had earlier in the night. This one didn't have a lump of frosting on it, but instead had what I think is called a chocolate "glaze." There was white "glaze" on top of it that spelled out "Citizen." Both cakes smelled divine, but I showed some restraint and only took photos of the sinful treats. It wasn't easy to just look at them because they smelled soooo good! But alas, I knew eating 4 cupcakes in one night right before bed would not be a good idea for my stomach(which was already in knots due to the fact that I was to start work the next day.), so ultimately I decided to just go to bed.

Before literally climbing into my top bunk, I thought of something funny to do. Last semester, there were some girls, who shall remain nameless, who were very serious about EVERYTHING and very into themselves. One night they put their leftovers in our communial fridge and wrote "EAT THIS AND DIE" on the top of the box. Shortly after that(and some other unfortunate events)they became a big joke and the rest of girls in the dorm ultimately laughed them out of the house. Anyway, I ended up putting an obscene amount of tape on the lid of my box, then even more tape to seal the paper bag and then proceeded to scribble, " Touch these AND DIE" on the outside of the bag. I thought it was funny, and really, that's all that matters to me.

Honestly, I had a better way of ending this blog, but it's so late and I'm incredibly tired. Instead of leaving you with a witty comment, I'll let you make one up on your own. I swear, my next blog will be better.

Well, depending on how much sleep I get.
